Happy Sabbath!
I just came from church and I am real tired. I leave everyday at 7am to go to work and I don't get back till 7:30 or 8pm. On Saturday's I go to church b/c I am Seventh Day Adventist and I believe that the seventh day of the week is the Sabbath. OK.. so anyhow......
I took the bus today to church so on my way back I notice that there are a bunch of block parties today. ***When there are block parties on the blocks of the bus route, the bus has to go off the route. *** So, on my way back home, I missed my stop because I couldn't tell what street the bus turned on. I ended up downtown Brooklyn, but that was fine. I could just catch the 41 bus and get home with no problem.
When I get to my stop on the 41 line I see there is a block party going on the block across from mine. All I could think is "dang man, give a nigga some sun and they cant stay inside"... mind you I just came from church so I am tired and beat from the week not to mention I am starving.
All week it was nasty, it rained almost everyday and now on Sabbath it all of a sudden was a nice day. All week I been praying for it to be a nice day outside. All week with the acception of today. I already went were I had to go for the day so I don't care about outside anymore.
I went upstairs to my apartment and you know, I am still in a holy mood because I just came from church but all I can hear from my apartment is the loud secular music that is blasting across the street. So, I am starting to get pissed off. All I want is some peace and quiet on my day of rest. LOL ( I should know that isn't really possible because I live in flatbush, but I wish for it anyway.)
Now that I am in my room and I cant get the peace that I want so I decided to blast my gospel music so that these heathans can get a little taste of holy music for a bit. All the while I am wishing they would shut their music off so that I can turn my volume down so I can take a nap. All of a sudden I hear lighting and thunder and I look out my window and it started pouring. The next thing I realize is that its quiet outside. All them little niggas went inside cause they cant get their hair wet and they get get their systems wet because its their prize possessions.
I look out the window and I smile. THERE MUST BE A GOD SOMEWHERE!