Thursday, June 28, 2007

My December

I must say that Kelly Clarkson has another hit album on her hands. She was the best choice to win American Idol during her season. She turned out to be a huge success. I always liked her but I didn’t think that I would like her this much. AOL has her new album on the free listening party session this week. My December has been playing since 9 am this morning. I keep playing it over and over because it is that good.

I will have to download it when it comes out (from Itunes of course). For the past few weeks I had Maroon 5 on heavy rotation. I think Kelly may take their place.

Favorite tracks:
Be Still – I love the tranquil feeling that this song bestows upon me.
Never Again – I hated this song when I first heard it.

So go pick up a copy this week or download it from Itunes.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


This is one of those videos that are even more funny when you are engaged in illegal activities. (So they say). And to think that this guy really is not Jamaican. LOL

Monday, June 18, 2007

Life is what you make it.

As I sit on the National Mall during my lunch break, I am reminded of God’s creations. “Let There Be Light”. The sun is beaming down on my but I enjoy it. As I sit here soaking up the sun, I watch as the beautiful people exercise. Topless men and woman in their sports bras! Hey… Its 95 degrees!
Across from me is a yellow school bus, complete with school children visiting the capitol. They are so happy to be outdoors rather than being inside doing school work. I feel the same way. Sometimes it is nice to come outside and enjoy the scenery.
Working in DC opens up many windows for me. It’s not like NYC. Actually it’s quite different. I can see myself being very successful in this place but I can’t see myself here forever. I miss the youthfulness and the diversity of NYC. Life is what you make it. I just have to make it down here.

Its been a long time. I should not have left you...

It’s been a long time since I last blogged. That’s life. Blogging was the last thing on my mind. I was boggled down with many other stresses. Any how, I am back now. Lets get back to work.