Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Twentysomethings Four Minute Dating Party

What do you think about 4 minute dating parties? I keep getting these invitations but I still can’t see myself attending one of these events. I’m new to this city and I would like to meet young professionals but, is this the route that I want to take? I don’t know!
My curiosity wants me to attend just one event so that I can have a first hand experience. I need someone to go with me… who is down? If it turns out to be an unsuccessful experience, we will erase it from out memories, act like it never happened. Just like the events in the movie Men in Black. Let me know!


wynsters the tigress said...

if there's one going on the weekend i'm in dc, i'll go with you!

ChpterReads said...

I was browsing by and I stopped by and read this. My friend has been asking me to do this speed dating thing for the longest time. Though it would be a joint even I can't see myself going. But I am advising that you go. See whats out there. Especially if you're new to an area. Meet professionals. Let them know you. Good luck.